also, dx11 doesn't really add much, it just kinda improves on dx10 and adds a couple of really useful things that should actually make life easier for everyone (kinda like win7 compared to vista I suppose) it adds proper multi threading in the drivers and allows the rendering engines to be multi threaded now. as people flock to win7 with dx11 built in, that won't be such a big problem.

The biggest thing with DX10 was that it was vista only, no XP. We're not going to see much of a jump until DX9 is dropped completely, and especially with consoles running around DX9-ish, it's not going to happen till they upgrade, probably. I have seen some absolutely amazing things done with DirectX 10, but only because the engine was purely for DirectX 10, and to my knowledge, no one has even attempted that with DirectX 11 yet anyway.To reach the broader audience, games are coded with DirectX 9 in mind then have DX10/11 tacked on with a few features. KelavarusThe thing is, same with DirectX 10, you aren't going to see considerable difference unless it's coded specifically for that API. The multiplayer options can also be fun, but unfortunately the uninspired single-player levels and dumbed-down gameplay leave me wondering how much better the new Aliens vs. While the new game doesn't raise the bar like Rebellion's original did, it does make great use of the license. Predator enough to play through the marine campaign, I'll probably play through the predator campaign, and I just might play through the alien campaign. Multiplayer modes provide some good times, but even that aspect of the game is tarnished with relatively slow matchmaking.

When I asked some friends why the classic version seemed better, all they could say was that it was more fun. At least that's where I'm throwing the blame. For me, the hand-holding and oversimplification of the single-player game, combined with some underwhelming and obviously corral-inspired level design, really prevented me from enjoying this title as much as I wanted to. On the downside, it always hurts more to see a game that does so much right while missing a few key fundamentals that could have launched it to greatness.